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The following therapies are available and depending on your needs, may be combined within a session: 

  • ​Yoga Therapy for Children and Young People

A responsive, trauma aware therapy that aims to meet young people exactly where they are at, supporting them to develop strategies and techniques that will enable them to cope in an increasingly stressful world. A session may look quite different from what is now more often thought of as ‘yoga’.

Sessions can be used to support those with anxiety, trauma, autistic spectrum conditions (ASC), ADHD, SEN, eating struggles, cancer, chronic pain and bereavement, and may be particularly useful for those who find it difficult to engage in talking therapies. 

Any of the following may be used in a session: 

postures; breath work; mindfulness; creativity; play; sensory integration techniques; relaxation, and communication and observation are key aspects of this work. 


  • Integrative Somatic Techniques

A dysregulated nervous system can affect our experience of the world around us. Finding resources, practical tools, exercises and techniques that are helpful and relevant to you, will support nervous system regulation and flexibility.


  • Breathwork

By consciously changing our breathing patterns, we can change the way we feel quite quickly. Our breath affects our emotions and our emotions affect our breath. Finding the 'ease' in our breath and noticing what is a nourishing  breath for us can in itself make us feel quite different. Understanding that we can also have control over the way we breathe, and what is actually happening in our bodies and our brains, can be empowering.

By changing our breath we can:

  • Reduce defensive reactions such as fear and anger.

  • Increase our feelings of safety and connection and support social engagement.

  • Move from the stress response (fight, flight, fear, freeze) to the relaxation response.

  • Reduce activity in the emotional parts of our brain and bring back online the parts of our brain that let us understand, reason and hear.

Changing our breath isn’t always as easy as it sounds. It may take time to develop, so practice can be really helpful. Children and young people may need to expand their lungs and feel what’s happening in a big way before they can learn and understand more subtle breathwork, so combining breath with movement can make this more accessible.


  • Yoga for Stress, Burnout and Fatigue

1:1 time to focus on your individual needs and abilities, and to really listen to yourself and what you need, which may just be lying down and having deep rest and relaxation - sometimes the hardest thing to do!

Sessions are accessible to all and, through a combination of breathwork, relaxation, meditation, mindfulness and movement practices, will provide you with tools to regulate over-activated and fatigued body systems. 


  • Yoga Therapy and Mindfulness for Chronic Pain

Chronic pain can impact on people’s lives in physical, psychological and social ways. Relationships, families, work and social life can all be affected, so support for those living with chronic pain needs to address all of these areas.

The aim of these sessions is to help people to gradually develop change in all 3 of these areas and to support families to understand the complexity of chronic pain. 

Programmes are totally tailored to your specific needs and personal situation.​


  • Yoga4Health 10 week group course 

      Classes starting at the end of January 2025

      These classes have been funded by Sports England and are free to NHS patients in Trafford.

      Please contact me for more details.


  • Chair Yoga

Ideal for people who have restricted movement or who find it difficult to get down to the floor. This may be due to illness, injury, pain, disability, age, anxiety, confidence, balance problems or may simply be preference. 

Chair yoga is accessible to everyone, whatever their ability, and is practised sitting on a chair or standing, using the chair for support. It helps people to stay safe from injury, while improving mobility, flexibility and strength. 


  • Yoga & Mindfulness for Autism and ADHD 

A  specialised, sensory method of yoga which develops body awareness, eases tension, aids sleep and improves mobility, strength, balance, emotional regulation and connection.

As well as my initial yoga therapy training, I have trained with both Special yoga and Yotism


Less inhibiting than some other touch therapies, reflexology is a lovely therapy for children and young people, as well as adults, as you only have to take off your footwear!

Sessions provide a safe space to rest or to chat, promoting deep relaxation, easing tension and aiding sleep. Comfy pillows and cosy blankets are provided, or you may wish to bring your own. For children, a cuddly toy or choice of music may be helpful.

The aim is to reduce stress which can be key in optimising good health and wellbeing and building resilience.


Designed for children and adults of all ages with high levels of anxiety, special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) and those with Autistic Spectrum Conditions (ASC) 

It is a relaxation routine developed for the hands or feet that aims to support wellbeing, providing a sense of calm and balance. A tool kit is provided to help support young people during the session.


RLD is an award winning reflexology technique which focuses on stimulating the lymphatic reflexes on the feet. Originally developed and researched by Sally Kay, while working in cancer care, this unique sequence may be used in a similar way to MLD (manual lymphatic drainage) which may be useful in supporting the following conditions:

  • Arthritis

  • Asthma

  • Eczema

  • Chronic Fatigue

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Sinus Problems

  • Migraines

  • Headaches 


Vertical Reflexology Techniques (VRT) are a unique method of weight-bearing reflexology which is briefly applied to the top of the feet and hands. Clients are treated in a seated, reclining or standing position.

Used to support clients with pain and mobility issues.


  • Specific multi-therapy programmes: 

Stress, Anxiety and Overwhelm

Sleep Recovery

Chronic Pain, mobility and function

Women's Health


Whichever approach we use you will be supported to build resources and strategies to help you feel physically and emotionally regulated, and to identify realistic, relevant techniques for self-care.


If you like to book in or have a chat, contact me here 

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